Our Executive & Patron

Our Executive consists of the national President, Vice President, the Executive Officer (formery Secretary/Treasurer), the Bulletin Editor and a delegate from each Region.

Bernard Hickey

Bernard Hickey
NZTROF President and Hawkes Bay Delegate
Member of Members' Council

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Sally Blyth

Sally Blyth
NZTROF Vice President & Auckland Delegate

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photo coming soon

Denise Mayhew
NZTROF Executive Officer

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Monique Brocx
NZTROF Waikato delegate


Neil Miller

Neil Miller
NZTROF Bulletin Editor

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Allan Fenwick

Allan Fenwick ONZM
 NZTROF Manawatu delegate

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Brian O'Dea
NZTROF Whanganui/Taranaki Delegate

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Peter Faulkner
NZTROF Central South Island Delegate

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NZTROF Patron: Alan Galbraith QC

NZTROF Patron: Alan Galbraith QC
(appointed 2009 AGM)